One morning, when our youngest son was two, we told him we’d go to
“My Ami?” I asked, confused.
He nodded vigorously. “Your Ami!”
“Ooooh,” I said, finally understanding. “We’ll go to
And we did.
This past weekend, I packed a suitcase and headed to Your Ami, er,
Friday evening, I gave a short talk titled: “Don’t Quit!”
Later, at the speaker’s dinner, Sid Fleischman leaned toward me and said, “Your talk was fantastic.”
Sid Fleischman! The man who has a humor award named after him!
When I was able to breath, I thanked him.

On Saturday, attendees enjoyed a bevy of inspiring and interesting speakers. Here's the schedule.
Saturday evening – “Ahoy, Matey!” – a nautical-themed dinner party.
Here I am with some of my sailor buddies . . .

Linda, Captain Dan, Riley and Donna
There were pirates . . .

Pirate Ena
Look who washed ashore . . .

And who dropped in from Gilligan’s

"Where's the Skipper, Little Buddy? Was he, um, voted off the island?"
And here's Sailor Sylvia . . .

"Swab that deck! Critique that manuscript!"
All had boatloads of fun.
Sunday was filled with workshops. I taught one about finding and applying for grants. The participants were so much fun. I hope they all get big, fat grants to further their careers.

The titles on the book cakes were as follows:
1. Frying Nemo
2. Rhyme of the Agent Marinara
3. The Old Man and the Critique
4. 20,000 Leagues Under the Slushpile
5. A Cake of Nautical Puns
6. Pirates of Penned Rants
7. Tuesdays with Morays
After an energizing weekend, it was time to say so-long to friends and Your Ami, er,
Until next year. . .
Donna, the conference was a lot of fun and a wonderful learning experience. I was really impressed to find published authors sitting in on the presentations given by other published authors. It was also very enlightening to see how readily the already successful authors impart their knowledge to struggling writers. Anyone visiting your blog who isn't already a member of SCBWI is missing the chance of a lifetime to increase their effectiveness, thereby increasing their chances of being published.
I can't wait until next January's conference.
Captain Dan
Well said, Captain Dan!
It was a wonderful conference and great to see you!
E-mail me the second your book hits B&N!
It was a great conference. I love the photo of you and Sid Fleischman. There was something special going on in that hug. That was the very moment all of his wise and divine secrets for writing humorous stories was being passsed to you. And he was right, your talk was fantastic!
Great pictures, Donna!
And it figures... I finally make the big time and get a picture on Donna Gephart's blog... but only cuz I had to go to the bathroom.
You did do a fantastic job with your workshop!
nice pics, nice pic of u and sid too. You go sis!!!
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