Just had a delightful Skype visit with a school book club. I've never seen students so excited in my life! And they had such great questions for me.
Mrs. Pelias deserves a big THANK YOU for coordinating the visit. And for helping get these kids so excited about reading.
Here are a handful of the students with Mrs. Pelias . . .

It's always great to hear and see how readers respond to my books. These kids were over the moon enthusiastic. Such fun!
Another great response was this awesome video on YouTube, created by MzLibbery:
She really captured the essence of the book with this trailer. Thank you for your creativity!
Tomorrow, I'm off to speak at a luncheon to celebrate young authors from elementary and middle schools in St. Lucie County, FL.
Do I have the best job in the world or what?
hello Ms. Gephart, I loved, loved, loved your book, I was one of the people in the picture on your blog and I asked you a question about your book. I loved this book soooo much that I'm going to read every single one of your books ever written before I have to "survive middle school" =). I love your books, please keep writing, anonymous.
Dear Anonymous,
Thank you so much. I can't tell you what a good time I had during our Skype visit!
Happy reading,
Donna Gephart
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