If you have a minute, answer these three questions:
1) What is the first book you remember reading or having read to you?
Mine was Mr. Grabbit, a tiny picture book about a rabbit who learned not to be so greedy. I loved it so much I recently purchased a copy of the $.19 book from Ebay for over seven bucks.
2) What was your favorite book when you were a child?
I loved Mr. Popper's Penguins so much that to this day I still love penguins. Last summer I found a copy at a book sale at my hometown library in Philadelphia. It cost only a buck (and that was for a whole bag of books).
3) What children's book do you love best now?
Tough one to answer, I know. There are sooooo many good ones. But I'd have to go with Bridge to Terabithia by Katherine Paterson. It gets me every time.
Now onto that photo . . .

Can you guess which one is my super dooper uber wonderful agent, Tina Wexler from ICM? And which one is Tina's adorable cousin's daughter, Haleigh, who just finished reading my book? "Hi, Haleigh!" And Niko, Haleigh's cat, who, um, hasn't read my book. Yet!
I wish I had your memory, but I don't recall that far back. Also, I wasn't much of a reader as a kid. But I do remember the first book I got out of the library and really loved -- Dr. Doolittle. And I was also handed down one of my brothers' set of Chip Hilton books.
I hope your book is doing well!!! I loved it. I answered your questions on the blueboard.
I still have most of my childhood books on my shelf thanks to my parents who hauled them around for me until I got settled enough to get them (I'm 38 with 3 kids). I have all the Little House books, even though they are kind of stinky and moldy.
Good questions!
1. When I first read my daughter The Runaway Bunny, I had this sudden memory of my mom reading it to me. I hadn't looked at it for years and the pictures were so familiar!
2. Definitely My Fierce Tiger, by James Hepburn. Still love it.
3. Is it weak to say Bridge to Terabithia also? If so, then I'll go with The Giver.
Hi, Donna! Great questions--
Hmmm, first book I remember having read to me was Harold and the Purple Crayon, though I'm sure the first was actually the Bible! :] I heart Harold still.
My fave book as a child was Ginnie and Geneva by Catherine Wooley. I'm waiting to find a copy on-line at Powell's or Logos that doesn't cost more than $75.00. I want it bad.
My favorite children's book NOW? That is so hard. I think I might have to say Jerry Spinelli's Crash. I think it is near perfect.
Hope you are swell, Donna!
Mary Hershey
Thanks so much for answering the questions and sharing your book memories!
All best,
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