Determined beyond all reason to finish my novel revisions (almost) on time, I worked 13 hours the other day, finishing after 3 a.m. But WOOHOO it felt great to e-mail the finished book to my editor and agent.
Later that day, I had the great pleasure of speaking to the talented teen writers at the Wellington Branch Library. There's a post about it here.

Yowza, are these kids good writers! Brooke showed me a poem, "Symphony of Rain," that was beautiful and Sarah showed me a whole collection of different poems she'd written for her school's unit on poetry. Ellen bravely read a poem that had fabulous imagery. And here's Alexis summoning the courage to read a very moving piece she'd written.

Next to her is Tiffany, who milked a cow earlier in the day and kissed a llama. That must be why she's smiling.
I also had the pleasure of meeting Lance and Dawn and Maddie. Did I get everyone? Nope!
A big, hairy thank you to Amanda Bosky, uber-talented writer, editor and librarian, for inviting me.

Earlier, my dear friend, Deborah, gave me these gorgeous flowers to celebrate my winning a silver medal in the Florida Book Awards Children's Literature category.

Thanks, Deb! The awards banquet is May 7th in Orlando, and I'm already excited about it!
Finally, I don't know about your house, but at ours it's basketball, basketball, BASKETBALL. My guys are either playing it, watching it or talking about playing or watching it.
Here are a couple happy snaps of them doing what they love best . . .

Here's hoping you spend your weekend doing what you love best.
Have a happy one,
I beg to differ about your blog post. Your guys were missing a person. I did not see your other son anywhere. Was he also playing basketball? From what I know of your other son, that doesn't seem likely.
Anoymous . . . who are you??? And how do you know our other son would rather endure a root canal than play basketball?
My hair is doing crazy things in both of those pictures. It is like its own sentient being. Why can't my hair just concentrate its efforts on having more overall body? ;)
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