January 20, 2009



Today, I'm filled with awe and excitement as we usher in an era of hope over fear, diplomacy over might and intelligent compassion over quick judgement. PRESIDENT Obama carries the weight of the world's hopes and dreams on his shoulders. I wish him and his family the wisdom, strength and well-being to fulfill those hopes and dreams.

For the literary side of Inauguration Day, check out Elizabeth Wilse's blog of election/presidential themed book reviews and interviews. Thanks, Elizabeth, for the generous review and interview.

Happy Inauguration Day!


Jay Asher said...

"I'm filled with awe and excitement as we usher in an era of hope over fear, diplomacy over might and intelligent compassion over quick judgement."

Couldn't have said it any better. What a day!!!

Wild About Words said...

Thanks, Jay!

It feels like one big world-wide celebration!

Anonymous said...


It was a pleasure to read your book, and talk to you. And I'm glad I could make your book part of my Inauguration week memories.

What a speech! What a day! Still grinning.

- Elizabeth

Wild About Words said...

Thanks, Elizabeth!

Hope is a good feeling, isn't it?
