October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween

And for something really scary, check out this interview with Natasha at Maw Books. Thanks, Natasha!

Excuse me, I'm off to eat all the mini Snickers hubby just bought . . . before all those little trick-or-treaters get to them.

Have a fun and SAFE holiday!


Paul R. May said...

Great interview, Donna! And I love that stack of books. I have a similar stack right next to my bed...

Happy Halloween!


Paul (who has just carefully cut a slit in a bag of Halloween candy... just the right size to slip a couple of Hershey's nuggets out and not get busted... we'll see what happens...)

Wild About Words said...


We're still workin' on that Halloween candy. Have you raided your kids' bags yet? How many times?
