Tuesday, I had fun dressing as a clown and reading Halloween stories to my friend Pam's pre-school class. One boy spent the entire time poking the toe of my giant sneaker. The rest of the kids heard Ed Emberly’s Go Away, Big Green Monster!. Twice. And the children clapped out the rhythm to my dear friend Sylvia Andrew’s rhyming picture book, Rattlebone Rock.
Later that day, I had the joy of attending the opening exhibit of my good friend, Janeen Mason, at Lighthouse Center for the Arts in Tequesta. Janeen’s a vibrant person, full of color just like her artwork. If you don't live near Tequesta, you can see Janeen's work here. During the celebration, my other friend, Sandra Baran, had young musicians from her studio, Jupiter Academy of Music, playing piano and violin. They were amazing. And I had the extra surprise of hearing one of my creative writing workshop students, Julia, playing violin. "Hi, Julia!"
As fine a day as Tuesday was, Wednesday was even more inspiring!
After getting the kids to school and walking the pooch, I hopped on my bike and pedaled to our local baseball stadium to attend my first large political rally. Thousands showed up to hear Joe Biden speak.
And speak he did.
I listened to him talk about moving forward, lifting up the middle class and working together to make the next four years the best we can. Yes we can! I felt lifted up, part of something larger and better than myself. I felt inspired to be my best self for a common good.
After the rally, while U2’s Beautiful Day played in the background, I had the pleasure of shaking hands with the man I hope will become the next vice-president of the United States.
Later in the day, our beloved Phillies were playing in what we'd hoped would be the last game of the World Series.
And it was!!!

We wish we were celebrating in the streets of Philadelphia with our friends and family, but today we’re settling for wearing our Phillies shirts and really big smiles.
Today's "Beautiful Day" moment? Natasha at Mawbooks posted a generous review of my election-themed, middle grade novel. Thanks, Natasha! And thank you for your good work raising money and awareness during your Darfur campaign.
Have a beautiful day!
I'm so glad you got to hear Joe Biden. Great photo!
Thanks! It was pretty exciting. Hope you all are doing well.
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