Then the lovely Natasha from MawBooks sent an e-mail letting me know that she made the lemon square recipe at the back of my book with her sons. And blogged about it here.
Natasha's sons are too cute not to show you their pictures, so here they are . . .

And, if you're wondering how those lemon squares turned out . . .
Thank you, Natasha, for sharing your baking adventures with your adorable sons and hubby. And thank you for suggesting that creating the lemon squares might make a nice activity for mother/daughter book clubs.
If you liked the lemon squares, just wait till you see the recipe at the end of my next book!
Congratulations on your list being on the Children's Choice award! And I'm not kidding that my husband as begged me to make the lemon bars over again. It was my pleasure to make them and I'm sure I'll do so again really soon!
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